Letter to the Editor

A stop light may not help


To the Editor:

One factor not considered in the debate about a stop light at the intersection of Waukena and Ocean avenues in Oceanside is that most of the traffic issues are caused by people making left turns (“The answer for Waukena and Ocean?” Jan. 27-Feb. 2). Waukena is only wide enough for one car on each side. When cars get to the corner to make left turns they block all of the remaining vehicles behind them. Absent a No Left Turn intersection or a turning arrow, the cars generally will only be able to make the left on yellow lights, which means that you can sit through multiple light cycles until you get past the intersection.

While a traffic light is helpful, the intersection should allow right turns only from Waukena. While this might cause the 90 families in the area to need to re-route their trip home, the lights would make both lefts and rights out of Ocean onto Waukena much safer while reducing the congestion cause by the cars waiting to turn left.

Wendy H. Sheinberg
