Letter to the Editor

Lawson Boulevard needs trees


The following is an open letter to County

Executive Edward Mangano.

Dear County Executive Mangano:

Several of our mutual constituents residing in both Oceanside and Island Park have recently contacted me concerning the removal of trees along Lawson Boulevard on or around Oct. 8. At this time, Nassau County officials gave failing inspections to almost 35 trees and other vegetation on Lawson Boulevard in Oceanside after inspecting areas of the county in the wake of Tropical Storm Irene. However, according to recent news publications, “it’s unclear when — or if — the county will replace the trees removed from Lawson Boulevard.”

As senior councilman for the Town of Hempstead who proudly represents the entire Oceanside community, I must vehemently request that Nassau County immediately replace the trees it removed from Lawson Boulevard, including those that were taken without notice surrounding Town of Hempstead parking lots.

Your spokeswoman has repeatedly stated that “going forward, we will be conducting a comprehensive analysis to determine future tree plantings.” Mr. County Executive, I must state that you cannot allow this to occur; these trees must be replaced immediately.

Deeming small trees as “hazardous” is one thing done for public safety. However, removing these trees without replacements deteriorates the community and robs neighbors and area residents.

It is my fervent hope that you and the Department of Public Works can arrange for replanting of the trees as soon as planting season allows, which I believe is at the beginning of Spring. I would appreciate you keeping me and my office abreast of any and all steps you take to remedy this matter. Thank you in advance for your anticipated


Anthony J. Santino

Town of Hempstead councilman