Local man gives during the holiday season


The annual Big Brothers Big Sisters of Long Island Holiday For Kids’ Sake program brings holiday gifts and delicious meals directly to the doorsteps of more than 120 BBBSLI families that need it the most, and this year an Oceanside man and his company have been instrumental in assisting the organization meet its goals..

This year, The Federated Group held its annual corporate toy drive and collected hundreds of gifts as part of the Holiday for Kids’ Sake program. In addition, the company fulfilled the wish list of 25 children who provided specific requests for toys and clothing this year.

“We are sincerely thankful for the incredible generosity from The Federated Group led by Jon Levitt and John Guirguis,” said BBBSLI CEO Mark Cox. “Their extraordinary support brought holiday joy to so many families across Long Island who truly appreciated their efforts.”

Jon Levitt of Oceanside and Federated Group CEO stated, “The holidays have notably been a challenging time of year for many children and their families that live in our communities. Topping last year’s efforts, Federated employees once again came together and donated generously for a third year in a row to support BBBSLI and the wonderful work they not only during the holidays but year round. This year, was a little more special for me personally. My 5 year old daughter Sara’s Daisy Troop, led by my wife Holli and my mother Pat, made crafts and sold them to their family members to raise $311 which they presented to BBBSLI.”