Oceanside Letters to the Editor


Take the time to write a letter

To the Editor:

Re: the editorial “Letters are a valuable part of the newspaper” (Jan. 22-28): It’s unfortunate for our society that we rarely write letters anymore. I’m as guilty as anyone for not writing more letters, but it’s so much easier to email a message — and, more immediately, to send a text message. Immediacy seems to have taken over for a thoughtful review of family news and current events.

Even Christmas cards and letters have seen a dramatic drop-off. My family used to send a full letter and photo page to friends, relatives and close business associates, who numbered nearly 250. This Christmas we only did an eCard to those with email addresses, and a few handwritten cards to those without them. (We’ll be doing the letter and photo page sometime this month, as we are awaiting late-breaking family news.)

Facebook has supplanted much of the written and printed word, too! That seems to be the current wave to the future.

Regarding letters to the editor: I always think I’ll write one, and then I get distracted. If it weren’t for subscribing to the Herald, how would we know what’s going on in our local communities? I remember a conversation five years ago over a business lunch with client and agency in New Jersey, and we talked about local coverage by the Newark Star-Ledger. This was right after a reporting staff cut from 17 to 2. The message was clear: For local news, local weeklies would be virtually the way to get it! Here on Long Island we are fortunate to have the Herald for all things local. Readers should definitely take their time to advise an editor what’s on their minds.

J.F. Purcell
