School news

Community readers


A number of uniformed officers were seen entering St. Agnes Cathedral School on morning of Nov. 13. But there was no need to worry — there was no emergency. The police officers and firefighters were participating in the school's 10th annual Community Readers Day program.

St. Agnes co – principals Sister Kathleen Carlin and Miss Helen Newman welcomed members of the Rockville Centre community to the school. In addition to the officers and firefighters, other readers who graciously volunteered their time, and shared their love of reading with the school’s students included: village trustees, a retired mayor, a village justice and Prosecutor, the village administrator, comptroller, public works, senior center and recreation center staff, librarians from the RVC Public Library, along with local business people and physicians, Molloy College professors, Mercy Medical Center staff, and St. Agnes pastoral staff; Monsignor Koenig and Reverend McCarthy. They all read aloud to a class, and then lead a book discussion. The St. Agnes Community Readers Day program is sponsered by the St. Agnes Home/School Association.