Helping others live healthily


Rockville Centre resident and lifestyle coach Judy Griffin has written a book, “Flourish Beyond 50: Your Path to Vibrant Living,” to help women over 50 feel their best.

Griffin, 51, said that the book, her first, is about teaching women to celebrate themselves, to live their lives with passion and to reclaim a zest for healthy living. “It’s easy to say, ‘Eat well and take care of yourself,’” she said. “It’s not easy to make decisions and take care of yourself.”

Griffin has worked as a lifestyle coach since 2009. She does corporate wellness coaching, and is certified by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City.

The intent of the book, she explained, is to encourage women to make healthier choices for themselves. “Each chapter kind of runs through a different aspect of nourishing yourself,” she said. In addition, each chapter has a recipe, questions to assess a woman’s state of mind and stories from other women, who range in age from 45 to 99.

Griffin started writing the book in March and completed it on Sept. 1. After that, she did weeks of redrafting, sent the book to an editor and did more redrafting. The book, which came out in November, is self-published. “It’s a quicker way to get your book out there,” she said. “It can take years to get a publisher.” And finding one, she said, is still an option in the future.

Griffin has written for newsletters in the past and has a blog. “That’s different because it’s short and quick,” she said. “[For] the blog, I’ll do kind of a short little piece to do with health and wellness.”

The book is available on Amazon, and signed copies can be purchased on Griffin’s website, She has promoted the book at Cannon’s Blackthorn, Polka Dot Pound Cake and at a party at Rockville Centre Yoga.

“The intent of the book is for women to read it and get inspired, and encouraged to make healthier choices for themselves,” she said, adding that one woman told her that reading the book inspired her to go to a yoga class and eat a healthy meal that day.

When she’s not writing or working, Griffin likes to ride bikes, ski, cook and do yoga. Her home acts as a pick-up location for Farmigo, an online farmers market. She and her husband, Michael, have been married for 25 years, and they have four teenaged children, Kayla, Erin, Conor and Sean.