March 11, 2010

Letters to the editor


We need new representation in Congress

To the Editor:

I urge every voter in the village to carry a copy of Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy's letter, “She’s proud of her record,” (March 4-10) with him or her when voting this November. It will serve as reminder of why our area needs new representation in Congress.

Mrs. McCarthy states that she was "proud" to support the stimulus bill, the single largest expenditure in the nation's history. Undeterred by the fact that the bill served only to shower billions of borrowed dollars on bloated state and local governments, enabling them to continue spending beyond their means, Mrs. McCarthy appears to labor under the illusion that her vote for this massive deficit spending was in the best interests of her constituents. My grandchildren will pay for the spending binge of which Mrs. McCarthy is proud.

She also repeats oft-told untruths about the bill, such as the claim that it provided a tax cut for 95 percent of Americans. In truth, the bill provided a small tax credit (cash payment) to people in select income brackets, including many who pay no federal taxes at all. We are witnessing the effect of these "tax cuts" on economic growth — and they have none.

Finally, voters should remember that Mrs. McCarthy voted for Obamacare on its first trip through the House. Doubtless, she plans to do so again in the coming weeks, regardless of the fact that it is an unpopular, $2 trillion entitlement program that will explode our already exploding debt and deficit. In her letter, Mrs. McCarthy bemoans our high local taxes, yet she is prepared to vote for a bill that contains billions in new taxes, all targeted at many of the people who live in this community — people who already pay about half their incomes to the government in federal, state and local property taxes.

Carolyn McCarthy is doubtless a well-intentioned person with a compelling personal story. But it is apparent that she has been in Washington too long and has been reduced to parroting the party line of leaders whose plans are out of step with the wishes and best interests of her constituents. It is time for new representation in Congress.

Christian Browne

Rockville Centre

Water, water everywhere — and it's still not cheaper

To the Editor:

Recent remarks by climate emperor and Nobel Prize winner for nut cases Al Gore regarding this winter's snowstorms and freezing temperatures around the world, "that it is a sure sign of global warming," were an amazing twist of logic that even his paid and compromised scientist sell-outs would have difficulty swallowing.

Gore's remarks are about as logical as Rockville Centre Mayor Mary Bossart's theory that village water rates needed to be raised another 17 percent this year (after a 16 percent rise the previous year), since we suffered a wet spring and summer and residents did not use water in the usual quantities, so the village had to make up for lost revenues to the Water Department.

I suppose, with all the snow we had this winter, the ground will be sufficiently saturated to warrant another water rate hike. Conversely, if we have a summer drought, we might need to hike the rates again for overuse.

Does anyone with any relationship with the almighty have any information that could possibly grant us the proper conditions that would lower our water rates to an acceptable level? Or have Barack Obama's Marxist theories of rationing taken hold in other aspects of American life?

Mickey Clark

Rockville Centre