Letters to the Rockville Centre Herald


Bossart has many to thank

To the Editor:

While the results of the village election were not as I might have wished, I nevertheless have many people to thank for their support during the campaign.

First, I would like to thank the voters and residents of the village. My 12 years in village government have been an honor. I have served you with every ability and ounce of energy I possess and with a deep love for Rockville Centre. I sincerely thank you for the unique opportunity of public service.

Second, my thanks go to the members of the Concerned Citizens Party. Over the course of my 22 years of active involvement in village politics, I have been privileged to work with many people who I might never have met but for our mutual concern about the village. For their efforts in this campaign, I especially wish to thank Michael Jewell, Mary Beth and Chris Kearns, Kevin Ryan, Chuck and Jean Joyce, Aileen Evans, Sue Oppenheimer, Meghan Kearns, Jim Fagan, Lisa Spatz, Mindy Roman, Matt Geyer, Ed Oppenheimer, Emily Kearns, Greg Rinn, Madelaine Willi and Joanne Flood. A finer and more loyal group of friends one could not ask for.

I am very grateful to my two running mates, Trustee David Krasula and Michelle Sewell. They are talented, disciplined and serious people with the best interests of their fellow citizens at heart. It was a great pleasure to run with them, and I thank them for undertaking the challenge.

And though I am mentioning them last in this letter, I can never sufficiently thank those closest to me — my husband, Rob, and our four children, Rob, Kate, Anne Marie and Christopher. During 12 years in public office, though I tried their patience at times, their support for me has never wavered.

The month of June brings us not only the village elections but commencements. An election and commencement have a great deal in common, as they both mark the beginning of a new phase of life, in this case for the village. I congratulate the winners of the election, Fran Murray, Nancy Howard and Michael Sepe, and wish them well as they assume leadership of our village.

The times we are living in may not be the easiest, but I know that together our contributions will enrich the life of our community. Please make the effort to be involved in the village, for I know that the benefits of doing so are more than you can imagine.

Thank you again.

Mary Whalen Bossart

Rockville Centre

A promise to work hard

To the Editor:

I want to extend my thanks and appreciation to Mayor Mary Bossart, Deputy Mayor and Trustee Chuck Joyce and Trustee Dave Krasula for their years of dedicated service to our village. Certainly, their commitment and work on behalf of our community demonstrate their love and concern for Rockville Centre and its residents.

I also extend my heartfelt thanks to the residents who showed their confidence in me with their vote. I am determined to demonstrate my gratitude through a diligent, enthusiastic and dedicated effort in my position as trustee. To those I met during our campaign activities, thank you for your insight, perspective and genuine concern for our community. We look forward to hearing more from you and working hard to address the challenging times ahead. Together we will tackle the issues that we heard from you.

It is nearly impossible to express adequately my appreciation to all who worked tirelessly on the RVC United campaign. Your commitment, time and enthusiasm made it an interesting and enjoyable experience. I cherish the friendships made and wisdom shared at our campaign meetings and events.

I am proud to be serving this great village with my running mates, Fran Murray and Michael Sepe. I have tremendous respect for their character, wisdom and passion for this community. I know we will continue the collaborative and hard-working spirit we enjoyed during our campaign. I also look forward to working with current board members Kevin Glynn and Edward Oppenheimer.

My husband, Dave, and my children, Matthew, Thomas, James and Emily, all supported me with their love and patience, and I am extremely grateful for them as well as my extended family and friends, who helped by opening their homes and working on the campaign. I promise to return your kindness by working hard to move this wonderful community into a future that represents all that we are and all that we can be.

Nancy Howard

Rockville Centre

Murray will take us in a new direction

To the Editor:

The results of last week’s election were a clear indication that Rockville Centre residents are unhappy with current village leadership. Most disturbing to many of us who attended the candidates’ forum three weeks ago was the negative tone of those who spoke about the relationship between the village and the Rockville Centre school district.

As parents, most of us have at least a 13-year partnership with the school district. To hear our village officials speak of their relationship with the school district in such a negative tone, referring to it as a “shotgun wedding,” was enough for many of us to know that a change was desperately needed.

Parking tickets, ball fields, the success of Rockville Centre’s businesses are issues that we all care about, but as a lifelong resident, I can say without a doubt that this village has always been and continues to be about its children. It’s why we chose to raise our children here, and why, even if we leave, many of our children will stay.

Village leadership should never lose sight of the significant role the schools play in our children’s lives and the value they bring to our village. When my son was a senior in high school, the village and the school district were fighting over garbage pickup, rights to use fields and a parking lot. Last Tuesday my son parked in the Recreation Center parking lot — and he voted.

Congratulations and good luck to Mayor-elect Francis Murray and his administration. We’re counting on you to take us in a new direction.

Trish Halley

Rockville Centre

A failed bond doesn’t make problems go away

To the Editor:

The proposed bond issue for repair, renovation and replacement of various Rockville Centre Fire Department facilities was defeated by a substantial margin of more than 3 to 1. Nevertheless, we have been alerted [in a recent Fire Department letter to residents] to the Fire Department’s view that there ought be some consolidation or centralization of Fire Department facilities; that “the firehouses … fail to conform to OSHA and industry standards, such as NFPA” and that “electric is not up to code, plumbing needs to be replaced, heating and air-conditioning systems are faulty.”

Since the bond issue proposal so clearly failed, it seems to me that:

1. The department ought make a proposal for whatever effective consolidation and centralization is possible, without the bond issue.

2. OSHA should be invited in to determine whether OSHA violations exist, and those violations should be addressed.

3. The Building Department should conduct an objective inspection of Fire Department facilities and certify a report to the village board about what violations exist and what steps should be taken to prevent, retard or correct deterioration. Deficiencies bearing on safety and prudent protection of capital investment ought be addressed.

The failure of a bond issue doesn’t make problems go away. Deficiencies can be addressed in other than an all-or-nothing approach. Moreover, the defeat of the bond issue should not be viewed as a lack of concern for safety or effectiveness. I have no doubt that the residents would overwhelmingly support the curing of all hazards and all significant impediments to effectiveness.

Henry J. Boitel

Rockville Centre

Please return our flag — and pole

To the Editor:

Recently — after the Stanley Cup finals, to be exact — our Canadian flag, which has a superimposed outline of a hockey player and the word “Canada” along the side — was brazenly removed from the second-floor roof over our garage by unknown trespassers in the dead of night.

For those who don’t know, hockey is the national pastime and passion of most Canadians! We assume that the thieves assumed we are Vancouver fans since we are from Canada, or at the very least that we would be supporters of any Canadian team. In fact, we are Islanders fans who think the right team won the Stanley Cup, although it pains us to admit it. Next year will be our year! So, would the thieves please return our flag and pole — preferably as stealthily as

you removed them. We would be eternally grateful.

Marilyn and Ted Avruskin

Rockville Centre

The gates of hell

To the Editor:

I was once an ardent admirer and supporter of State Sen. Dean Skelos and a staunch believer in a morality-based Republican Party platform, but I now find myself no longer able, logically or religiously, to support either.

The Republican Party of New York and, in particular, Senate Majority Leader Skelos, by electing to legally sanction gay marriage have opened the gates of hell onto our already hedonistic society. They will eventually pay a much higher price than the loss of any election or public scorn.

Eugene P. Clark III

Rockville Centre