On location in Rockville Centre

'Win Win' film shot in two village sites


Actor Paul Giamatti, an Academy Award nominee for his role in “Sideways,” and an Emmy winner for his portrayal of President John Adams in the TV miniseries of the same name, spent two days in Rockville Centre last week. He was filming “Win Win,” director Tom McCarthy’s comedic exploration of allegiances and bonds among unlikely characters, due out in 2011.

Giamatti plays Mike, a struggling attorney whose elderly client’s teenage grandson runs away from home and shows up on his grandfather’s doorstep. Mike’s family life, and the high school wrestling team he coaches, are turned upside down as a win-win proposition he made becomes complicated.

The filming of exterior shots for the movie took place at several locations around the village, including St. Mark’s United Methodist Church on Hempstead Avenue and a home on Walnut Avenue. The cast and crew is scheduled to return to film interior shots of the home at the end of April.