Rockville Centre doctor's NSPC webinar offers insights into cervical issues


NSPC Brain & Spine Surgery, Long Island’s largest, independent neurosurgery practice group, will launch a new series of free, online patient education programs on Feb. 23 at 12:30 p.m.

Neurosurgeon Dr.  Alex Zouzias plans to share insights into treatment options for cervical disc herniations in the first installment of the NSPC’s “The Doctor Is In” community event series. To attend, visit

“Cervical disc herniations are a common complaint for people of all ages,” Zouzias said. “Significant arm pain, along with numbness and weakness, frequently occur when a cervical nerve is pinched and inflamed. Although most cervical disc herniations heal with time, medication and therapy, a small number of patients require surgery.”

In the past, Zouzias added, “surgeons removed the damaged cervical disc, along with the disc fragment that was pinching the nerve and fused the two bones together. As a result, patients often suffered a loss of motion at the surgical level and greater stress on the adjacent discs. Today, a newer technology offers some patients an alternative to fusion.”

Known as cervical disc replacement, or cervical arthroplasty, this advanced procedure involves the use of an artificial disc to replace the damaged one. “After treatment, most patients enjoy a normal range of motion with less risk to the adjacent discs,” said Zouzias, who has performed the procedure at such local hospitals as St. Catherine of Siena Medical Center in Smithtown.

A Long Island resident, Zouzais is a board-certified neurosurgeon who specializes in complex and minimally invasive spinal surgery. In addition to cervical disc replacement, he performs advanced neurological and spinal procedures using such cutting-edge techniques as lateral access procedures for spinal fusion and percutaneous procedures for complex spinal reconstruction.

Zouzias’ Feb. 23 program will provide attendees with an introduction to degenerative disc disease, an overview to treatment options and a discussion about cervical disc replacement as an alternative to fusion. To learn more about NSPC Brain & Spine Surgery, or Zouzias, visit