Rockville Centre Mayor's Golf and Tennis Classic set for Sept. 27


The Mayor’s annual Golf and Tennis Classic and Dinner, the primary fundraiser for the Rockville Centre Community Fund, will honor Rabbi Emeritus Barry Dov Schwartz of Temple B’nai Sholom on Sept. 27 at the Hempstead Golf and Country Club.

Tickets and sponsorships for the all-day event, as well as journal ads are available. The donation for lunch, cocktails and dinner as well as a round of golf is $350. The donation for tennis, lunch and dinner is $225. Dinner-only tickets are $110.

To make a reservation or for information about sponsorships or journal ads, call Mary Rohrs at 516-678-9260. Journal ads must be placed by Sept. 15.

Each year the Community Fund provides confidential assistance to hundreds of people in emergency need. Unlike other non-profit charities, the fund is directed exclusively to Rockville Centre residents, who have received more than $950,000 since it was established in 1987.