Rockville Centre village board takes action


At the final Rockville Centre village board meeting of 2010 on Dec. 13, trustees gathered to approve action items, bids and update the community on the status of the Front Street parking lot that since October, has required a $4 daily use fee.

Village Trustee Ed Oppenheimer gave an update on the lot, which has generated much debate throughout the village. Oppenheimer said that the lot’s “usage has been growing.” When the charges were first implemented, the number of occupied spaces each day averaged approximately 15 of the 96 parking spots, according to Oppenheimer. But the average daily use has risen recently, he said, to about 60 a day. Oppenheimer also said that there have been days when 70 parking spots have been occupied.

Trustees also approved two major action items. The first was tax certiorari settlements for 16 separate properties in the village. Board members approved payment of $602,500 to the property assessment challengers. According to village Trustee David Krasula, the village budgeted approximately $1.8 million this year for property assessment challenges.

Trustees also approved a separate resolution to relinquish dog licensing from the village’s control to the Town of Hempstead. This will take effect in April 2011.

Trustees also accepted a bid for a side loader truck that the Recreation Center needs. It will cost approximately $44,000. And they approved a bid for new Rockville Centre Fire Department uniforms, which have already been confirmed for purchase, in the amount of $10,000.

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