Sisters assist principal at Watson school for a day


Each year, one Floyd B. Watson Elementary School student wins a chance to be Principal Joan Waldman’s assistant for the day. But this year, three sisters enjoyed the honor.

In January, the Fox family won one of the raffles during the Watson PTA luncheon, which allows that person’s child to be the assistant principal for a day later in the year. Because the Foxes have three girls attending Watson, Waldman had twin second-graders Maggie and Addie and fifth-grade sibling Laney help her out on May 31.

The sisters proudly wore circular name badges with the title “Assistant Principal for the Day” written on it and made sure the school ran efficiently.

“They were great,” Waldman said. “They had the time of their lives. They were so happy.”

The girls recited the morning announcements over the loud speaker, read a book to one of the kindergarten classes, made deliveries and helped set up the much-anticipated Field Day.

“I was so happy because I got a lot done,” Waldman said laughing.