Herald schools

Watson students learn about their roots


This year Watson School students embarked on a project to learn more about the roots of Rockville Centre and the prominent place Watson holds within their village. The goal was to build a deeper understanding and appreciation for the school and the Rockville Centre community.

Students connected with members of the community who have helped to shape the village as we know it. Fifth grade students interviewed people including Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy, State Senator Dean Skelos, Mark Masin, president of the Rockville Centre Board of Education, and Dr. William Johnson, Superintendent of Schools.

First grade children conducted interviews of teachers and staff in Watson. Second grade students met senior citizens from the Sandel Center who came to the building to get a tour of Watson and to get to know the school community “from the inside out.” Interviews were conducted, and the children learned about what second grade was like for the seniors. These visitors will be returning to see their new friends perform in the second grade play.

Fourth graders took walking trips around the Watson community to take photos of important sites within the village. They were given expert guidance by Richard Law, a former Watson parent and professional photographer. Their best photos were chosen and compared to photos of the exact same site in the early 1900s.The result was the newest permanent display at Watson School which is call "Rockville Centre Then and Now."

And kindergartners worked with their fifth grade buddies to construct sock monkeys which will be donated to Care to Knit, Inc., a non-profit organization that provides hand knit and crocheted items to those in need in shelters, hospitals, nursing homes, hospices and the armed forces.

Continuing its theme, Watson School held its annual Visitors’ Day and Art Show on April 16. Kindergarten, first and fifth grade children all performed on stage for visitors, singing songs and demonstrating school cheers. Third graders time-traveled 25 years into the future and held a class reunion.

Members of the Watson Elementary School's staff said they are grateful to the Rockville Centre Education Foundation, the Watson PTA and the Rockville Centre Teacher Center for their support of its programs.