Welcome to your local paper


Welcome, Rockville Centre, to your local paper.

This week’s Herald is being delivered to every home in the village, and includes a copy of the Herald’s Guide to the community. If you’re not a Herald subscriber, we hope that a look at this week’s paper will convince you that you should be. Subscribing is easy and affordable. Look for the subscription envelope inside, see our ad on page 6 or go to www.liherald.com/subscribe.

For those of you who are subscribers to the paper, thank you. For those who aren’t, think of this as your gateway to the world of local news. Nowhere else will you find the same depth and breadth of coverage of Rockville Centre as in these pages.

There are scores of newspapers and websites which will tell you about what President Obama said today, but what about Mayor Murray? Where else are you going to get details about the programs coming to local schools? We are a hyper-local paper, focusing on Rockville Centre and the people who make it the wonderful place it is.

And make no mistake: this is your paper. We report on what’s important to you and affects you and your family. Our Neighbors in the News section shines a light on your achievements. It’s where we print wedding and birth announcements, the academic achievements of local students, the honors bestowed on residents and much more. We welcome your submissions so that your special moments can be given the recognition they deserve.

Our Neighbors page highlights special local events. It’s also where you’ll see stories about interesting residents and prominent community figures.

Every week we print the Crime Watch, which helps you keep tabs on what’s going on.

Our Sports page features local student athletes, and chronicles the wins and losses of our teams. Our award-winning team of sportswriters focus on high school sports throughout the school year.

When class is in session, we have a Schools page each week, highlighting the events in our high-achieving schools. That’s where you should look to find out what’s new in your child’s education and see what’s going on in the schools.

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