School News

A colorful morning in Seaford Harbor

Seaford Harbor students Kia Kouletsix, Kimberly Nagengast, Elizabeth Masterson and Emily Sohm splashed each other with color.
Seaford Harbor students Kia Kouletsix, Kimberly Nagengast, Elizabeth Masterson and Emily Sohm splashed each other with color.
Rachel Leiner/Herald

About 400 people gathered at the Seaford Harbor School shortly after 8 a.m. on May 21, all nice and clean. They left about two hours later covered in different colors from head to toe.

The Seaford Harbor PTA hosted its first ever Color Run fundraiser. The Saturday morning event raised about $3,000. Money will be used for a new mural inside the school’s main entrance, to be painted over the summer by local artist Cliff Miller. Since the neighborhood is on the water, it will have a nautical theme and feature animals that are commonly found in south Seaford, giving the mural an educational component.

The event featured a 2.1-mile run in two laps around the school. All participants received a T-shirt, color packet and bib number. As they left the starting line, they threw their color packets in the air and were doused in a safe mixture of water and corn starch, leaving their clothes, hair and skin stained. There were also four color stations around the track, staffed by the teachers.

‘The kids really loved seeing their teachers on a Saturday morning shooting them with color,” said PTA President Dame Cascone.

The purpose of the event, she said, was to promote fitness. The Color Run also featured the singing of “God Bless America” and the National Anthem by the fourth- and fifth-grade chorus, and an appearance by the Seaford Fire Department.

“We just wanted to bring everyone together for a good cause,” Cascone said. “It was a lot of fun.”