School News

A cultural celebration at Manor


Seaford Manor Elementary School students celebrated their similarities and differences during International Week, which ran from Jan. 19-22.

The week, organized by the Shared Decision Making Team, featured guest speakers, cultural activities and presentations from students. It’s an annual tradition at the school each January, and gives children a chance to explore their own heritage. “The children are learning great facts about their history,” said fourth-grade teacher Amy Hechler, whose students made a large yellow banner with the word “Culture.” The letters were made up of a combined 18 pieces.

Each student made a piece with information about their heritage, such as Shayla Fox who drew Shamrocks and other Irish symbols, and wrote facts about the native land of her ancestors. She also brought in items relating to the country including a cross, a lucky charm and a potato.

Kerry Wise, a fifth-grader in Danielle Alveari’s class, did an Irish step dance for her classmates. She said she started learning the moves when she was 4 years old and takes classes at a private dance school.

Students in Candice Kaplan’s fifth-grade class brought in artifacts including A.J. Sainsbury, who shared his grandmother’s ring from Ireland, which symbolizes love, loyalty and friendship. Andrew Geogham shared a box from Italy that belonged to his grandmother.

Andrew said he learned a lot about how his ancestors lived before they emigrated to the United States, and A.J. found out that his family “can be pretty interesting.”

Kaplan noted that the children had conversations at home with their parents in an effort to learn of their heritage. “I thought it was a great way for them to share their cultural traditions with each other,” she said.

In Carol Riedener’s fourth-grade class, students learned that some students’ ancestors primarily hail from one country, while others are a mix of nationalities. Chris Wingert said he is half Maltese and part Irish and German, with his last name of German descent.

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