"Trunk-or-Treating" at Maria Regina


Maria Regina School in Seaford held its first “trunk-or-treat” event last Thursday to celebrate Halloween. Children of all ages dressed in various costumes to collect candy from each decorated car trunk.

Starting at 6 p.m. parents and volunteers from Seaford, Wantagh and Massapequa parked their cars in Maria Regina’s back parking lot to show off their spooky trunk designs and hand out treats.

“We wanted to do something safe for the children for Halloween,” Principal Leona Arpino said as she was dressed as a Minion along with her staff. “Our school has children from the nursery school level all the way to grade eight, so we wanted to do something that would bring the families together and bring the younger children together with the older children.”

Forty-five families brought their cars to the event to put their trunk on display and more than 300 children came in costume to trunk-or-treat with their friends and classmates.

“This event ended up being something that worked out and serviced both groups,” Arpino added. “We had a huge turnout and I’m absolutely thrilled.”

First, second and third place prizes were awarded to parents with the best costumes and those with the best decorated trunks. Refreshments such as cookies and juice were also handed out in the school gym.

“I brought my children here because we go to the school and we always participate in the school’s events,” Wantagh mom Stacy Barrett said. “It’s nice because it wasn’t just for the school, but opened up to the parish, too.”

School leaders said they were very happy with the turnout for the event and expect it to bring in an even larger crowd next October.

“It welcomes all people from the community and it’s a great opportunity for them to come in, get together and socialize,” Barrett said. “A lot of people come down the road and don’t even know we’re back here.

“I like seeing people,” she added. “I like seeing my friends, my kids’ friends and seeing everyone all dressed up.”