Celebrating the bedrock of our humanity

Molloy College hosts September Concert and 'fills the sky with music'


Driving rain may have driven the September Concert at Molloy College, a free musical event to mark the anniversary of Sept. 11 inside, but it did nothing to dampen participants’ determination to fill the skies with music.

The commemoration began with remarks by Molloy College President Dr. Drew Bogner:

“I have come to view this day, September 11,

As a day of recognition of valor

As a day of recognition of courage

As a day of recognition of the everyday hero

When I think again of the events of 9/11

I recall:

The horror

The shock

The pain

The bond we felt as New Yorkers

The heroism

We are all called to be everyday heroes —This is one of the lessons of 9/11, that within each of us is the will and the ability to do great things — to endure and be of service to each other.

It is fitting that we remember eight years hence, that which is at the bedrock of our humanity:



Selfless action

Today we gather and remember

We remember the everyday hero.”

His words were followed by song — with everyone invited to join in — and with prayer.

Based on the principles of equality, freedom, accessibility and the spirit of giving, The September Concert Foundation was created in April 2002 for the sole purpose of organizing an annual music festival in New York, with some 40 sites in the metropolitan area this year, in memory of the events on Sept. 11, 2001. It also celebrates universal humanity. The group’s vision is to mark the day as one of music and prayers for a peaceful world; and to build it to become the largest multi-city people’s concert in the world.