‘Fiddler’ strums up success at OHS


The Broadway classic “Fiddler on the Roof” found a new home at Oceanside High School last week, strumming up applause from the entire audience.

The show, one of the longest running in Broadway history, is set in Russia in the early 1900s. It focuses on Tevye (played by David Sheynberg), a poor Jewish man; his wife Golde (Brielle Brook); and their five daughters: Tzeitel (Kaitlyn O’Connor), Hodel (Kira Metcalf-Oshinsky), Chava (Michelle Taplin), Shprintze (Dana Gelb) and Bielke (Ari Pecci).

Tevye struggles to cope with his three older daughters, each of whom has chosen a husband that pulls them away from their faith. On top of that, the edict of the Russian Czar is evicting the Jews from their homes.

The show played on March 30 and 31 and was directed by Bruce Bider. George Grossman was the vocal director and L. Lynne Garcia was the conductor.