Unreserved judgment

Illusions of delusions

A column by Ron Goldman


In anticipation of the 2014 Winter Olympics, I expect to compete in both luge and ice hockey. I'm also forwarding the photo that graces (though some might say, disgraces) this column to the Brad Pitt look-alike contest, while submitting my idea for "Survivor: 5-Towns to CBS, and several of these columns to the Pulitzer Prize Committee for Serious Literature.
When I recently mentioned these projects (as well as my intention the run in the next Presidential Primary) to a psychologist buddy, he dismissed me as being... delusional.
Now, I'll admit I might be a bit unrealistic (especially as it pertains to my newest goal of becoming a professional wrestler) and a bit over-confident (as it applies to my serving as a hot-air-balloon pilot for the CIA), but "delusional?" I think not.
"Delusional" implies "a false belief regarding oneself or another that persists despite the facts."
Thus, what (and who) are really delusional are the scam artists and cheats who profess to be religious. Delusional is the self-described "public servant" who is disdainful of and disrespectful to the very public he claims to serve. Delusional is the guy who, while donating stolen funds, really feels he's an altruistic philanthropist, or the fellow with nothing but (but plenty of) inherited wealth who insists he's qualified to run a research institute. So to is the (way past) former athlete who thinks he can (or should) compete with his teenage son on the B-ball court, or the aging matron who believes she can (or should) outshine her daughter.
Delusional are those who believe they're somehow entitled to push past or run over or get ahead of the next guy or gal. Delusional as well are those professionals who even though they get it, actually believe they're worth what they charge per hour. Delusional, too, are the athletes and actors who think that because they can throw a ball or effectively mouth someone else's words, they are suddenly capable of counseling the world.
Delusional are those who submit that bullies should be appeased or that scorpions can be accommodated or that self-serving obstructionists can ever be supplied enough information to act decisively, or that nasty, bitter malcontents can ever just be... nice.

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