Kiwanis looks to 2015


The year may have just started, but Oceanside Kiwanis has many events planned for the next several months.

In January, Kiwanis International will celebrate its 100th anniversary while Oceanside Kiwanis will celebrate its 70th in September. “So 2015 is a big year,” said Oceanside Kiwanis President Thomas Cesiro. “Not only for international, but also for us.”

In March, Kiwanis will host the annual Easter egg hunt. “We bring all the youth groups together to stuff all the eggs,” said Cesiro.

On the second Saturday in April, every Kiwanis club around the world does something for their community. Last year Oceanside Kiwanis cleaned up the Schoolhouse Green.

There’s the Memorial Day parade in May and a free movie night in June. Also there are the readings at the Schoolhouse Green from June to August. This will be the ninth year for this event.