Nassau Herald’s Top Ten items to be positive about Covid-19


Everyone likes a list of things: Best movies, best sports teams, worst television shows, etc.

All those lists and many more usually surface near the end of a year to take stock of the previous 12 months.

In the spirit of former “Late Night with David Letterman” TV host David Letterman’s Top Ten list of positive things because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Please take them in the lighthearted sentiment they are offered. We know that many lives have been lost and businesses and people are suffering. We owe everyone a good laugh.

10. The Atlantic Beach Bridge toll is free.

9. You can drive to work in half the time.

8. Everyone’s hands are cleaner.

7. People are nicer.

6. People are meaner.

5. It’s a good time to be an anti-social person.

4. Less ambient noise from assorted vehicles allows the sounds of nature to be heard.

3. Not going to the office cuts down on the dry cleaning bills.

2. Lilacs and other flowers are blooming.

And the No. 1 reason to be positive about Covid-19, the song “Baby Shark,” sounds really good right now.