Rockville Centre Herald endorsement

Say 'yes' to Rockville Centre library budget, candidates


The Rockville Centre Public Library is proposing a budget of just over $3 million, 2.8 percent larger than its current spending plan. We encourage residents to support it.

Library officials say that much of the increase is being driven by state-mandated expenses, such as a 75 percent jump in the library's contribution to its employee retirement fund. To make up for that, the facility has cut $45,000 from its capital expenditures and made additional small cuts across the board, to purchases of DVDs and CDs, periodicals, newspapers and even event programming.

But the library is not going to be buying less. Rather, it is going digital, and that will save money in the long run.

We believe library officials have kept taxpayers in mind, and the budget has no excess spending and a continued level of valuable services for patrons. Officials estimate that if the plan is approved, the average taxpayer would see a $7 increase for the year in their tax bill, which is more than fair to support such an important and growing community service. (Attendance at library programs has increased this year, as has its circulation.)

Trustees Charles Kelleher and April Wexler will also be on the ballot. They are running unopposed, but we encourage residents to show their support for the fine work they do for the community.