Village: streets are for everyone

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Mayor Ed Fare said he plans on working with Nassau County and Town of Hempstead officials to make some of Valley Stream’s busier roads, which are not maintained by the village, safer. “The board is always looking at ways to improve safety and streetscapes, so we went from there,” he said.

The village spends approximately $2 million a year for road repairs, Fare added, and will continue to address roads in the worst conditions first. Most roads in the village will not see Complete Streets upgrades because they’re too narrow or not heavily trafficked. “When an opportunity presents itself,” Fare said, “we’ll take advantage of it.”

Some of the features of a Complete Street are bike lanes, better marked crosswalks, pedestrian islands in the middle and road strips, which alert drivers about a reduction in the speed limit.

“This would be attending to people’s concerns,” Sabatino said of the policy, “attending to very specific areas that could have a vast improvement for the most amount of people.”

Seskin said the policy adopted in Valley Stream reflects the “best Complete Streets efforts” she has seen. “[It’s] a vision that is truly driven by community members who are thinking about the well-being of their friends and neighbors, their local businesses, their schools, and their community institutions,” she said.

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