Clavin faces Robinson for Receiver of Taxes


Republican incumbent Donald X. Clavin is facing Democratic challenger Wilton Robinson Jr. for the seat of Receiver of Taxes in the Town of Hempstead.

The Receiver of Taxes is in charge of his office, which collects and distributes all of the tax money collected in the Town of Hempstead.

Herald: What is the biggest problem facing the office of Receiver of Taxes right now, and what would you do to fix it?

Robinson: One of the biggest problems facing the office of Receiver of Taxes, according to many of the residents of the Town of Hempstead that I spoke with, is a lack of helpful information about their taxes and the tax system. The residents would like to be more informed about how they can decrease their taxes and a clear understanding as to why their taxes are at the level they are.

They also would like for the Receiver of Taxes to be more of an advocate for the people; someone who will help them understand where their tax dollars are going and why they are being used the way they are. The people want to know if their tax dollars are being used effectively and efficiently. Residents say that if they better understood how their taxes are being used they would not be as angry about paying them. They also want to know why some towns pay more taxes than other towns but get less services and resources.

Being an advocate for the residents in regards to their taxes is one of the first things I would do if I am elected Receiver of Taxes. Throughout my life, I have always worked hard for the masses, whereas my opponent has shown throughout his professional life that he is an advocate and defender for government abuse and big corporations. The Town of Hempstead needs a Tax Receiver that is more than just a collector of taxes.

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