School News

Head of the class at Valley Stream parochial schools

Holy Name, Christian Academy name top grads


Christina Miller - Holy Name of Mary School

Working hard for good grades is nothing new to Christina Miller, who has earned this year’s valedictorian honor at Holy Name of Mary School.

Finding out about the prestigious distinction, the eighth-grader felt a mixed bag of emotions. “I am excited, nervous and a little terrified,” she said.

Spending the last nine years at the school, Christina, 14, has achieved much success. She is a member of the school’s honor society, and served as this year’s student council secretary. Christina also likes to participate in the school’s plays.

Some of her favorite memories involve playing almost theatrical games during recess. She recalled one. “We would play shark out on the playground,” she said. “One person would be the shark and chase others.”

During other playground scenes, Christina and one of her special friends would even pretend to be spies to pass the time. However, the classroom was a place for doing hard work, she noted.

The last days before graduation will involve working on her valedictorian speech. She said she has been reading examples of different speeches, and wants to write the best one to read to students and their families.

Though she will start Sacred Heart Academy in Hempstead next year, she will miss the different families at Holy Name, and never forget them. A special religion teacher, Eileen McEnaney, taught her a valuable life lesson that she will always remember. “She always said to just be yourself,” Christina said.

And Christina has similar advice for younger students. “Don’t follow the crowd,” she says. “Do your own thing.”

Gloria Nicotra - Valley Stream Christian Academy

Being named this year’s valedictorian at the Valley Stream Christian Academy was quite a surprise for Gloria Nicotra. In fact, the 12th grader said she did not see it coming.

“I never thought I would be able to be a valedictorian,” Gloria said. “It was a shock, but I was happy.”

Surprisingly, Gloria had been homeschooled for most of her life before attending the academy. She described the first feeling she had walking through the school’s doors as “exciting.” It was as if a whole new world opened up, and she was ready to make an impact, she noted.

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