Letter to the Editor

Library wants to bring back North Valley Stream


To the Editor:

The Henry Waldinger Memorial Library is very interested in providing library services to the residents of North Valley Stream again. Our library provides quality service and programs, knowledgeable librarians, and a helpful staff. The proposed cost for library services to the North Valley Stream residents would only be $40 per capita.

The Henry Waldinger Memorial Library provides programs for children from infants through sixth-grade, teen programs for grades 7-12, teen game nights, a young adult book club, computer classes and an adult book club. Summer reading club activities are available for children and teens of all ages. Holiday celebrations, craft activities, and tax help for seniors are just some of the activities offered at the library.

Special library services include home delivery of books, live homework help and a family museum pass program. The pass program continues to grow in popularity, with family passes to 10 museums at no cost to patrons. The library’s extensive collection includes DVDs, Playaways, books on CD and cassette, videos and large-print books.

The warm, friendly atmosphere at our library is welcoming to all residents. North Valley Stream is part of our community, your children go to Valley Stream schools, and we would be honored to serve these residents again.

Mary Sheffield
Library Board of Trustees