Scouting News

Nothing corny about these scouts


Cub Scouts from Pack 109 will soon be popping up at a front door near you. Much like how the Girl Scouts sell cookies for their annual fundraiser, the boys sell popcorn.

Pack 109 held its fundraiser kick-off at Grace United Methodist School last Friday night to get the boys excited to sell, sell, sell. Fundraising committee chairwoman Regina Foerst told the children about the many prizes they could win, If the pack as a whole sells at least $10,000 worth of popcorn, one lucky boy from the group will win a bicycle. But the catch is, a scout must sell $100 worth of popcorn on his own to be entered for the big prize.

Also, every scout who reaches the $100 mark gets to throw a pie at Cubmaster Linda Gleason. A scout won’t get to pie Foerst unless they reach $500 in sales.

At $2,500 in individual sales, a savings account will be set up for the scout. That scout will get to keep 6 percent of all his sales and can continue adding to the account every year he sells popcorn through Boy Scouts. Foerst’s son, Robert, reached this goal last year.

Foerst told scouts that if people aren’t interested in buying popcorn for themselves, they can still make a donation to send a treat to the troops overseas.

Scout leader Roger Colena taped the kick-off event and will submit it to Trails End, the popcorn company. The pack or troop with the winning video will get double its profits from the popcorn sales.