Letter to the Editor

Supports Citizens Independence Party


To the Editor:

This letter is written in support of the Citizens Independence Party in the March 15 elections for the Village of Valley Stream.

It is high time that we elect individuals who will take the common man into consideration when faced with issues that will undermine the residents of a community. I speak in particular of FEMA’s contention that parts of Valley Stream are now in a high-risk flood zone.

Carol Crupi and Michael LoCascio, who are both running for the trustee positions, have worked tirelessly with regard to the flood issue and are also working to address issues of blight in our Valley Stream community because Valley Stream is also their community.

Joseph Margolin, running for mayor, is a retired attorney, teacher, active PTA member and PTA curriculum member of school District 14. He is also a resident of Valley Stream and a FEMA victim. He will speak for us in office.

People, we need officials who are going to voice our voices in office. Vote on March 15 for the Citizens Independence Party.

Eileen Metz

Valley Stream