Supports Margolin, Crupi and LoCascio


To the Editor:

Joe Margolin, Carol Crupi and Mike LoCascio who are running in this election under the Citizens Independence Party have been working tirelessly for the residents of Gibson affected by the recent change to the flood zones by FEMA.

If it was not for them, there would not be any hope for reversing the outrageous maps that are costing Valley Stream residents thousands of dollars in unjust premiums, not to mention the destruction of our property values. They stood up for an injustice and are working for all the residents of Gibson. These are the type of people we want in Village Hall, not officials who rubber stamp everything that comes down the pike without taking into account the impact their decisions make on the residents in the village.

It is my belief that if elected, with Joe, Carol and Mike we will continue to see improvements throughout the village. A new village is necessary to see Valley Stream prosper and grow.

Anthony V.

Valley Stream