School Budget Preview

Valley Stream school budgets by the numbers


Central High School District

Proposed budget: $101,983,619
Change: +$1,302,497 (+1.29 percent)

Tax levy: $78,861,619
Change: +$1,512,997 (+1.96 percent)

Tax impact (high school taxes only):
District 13: The average homeowner will see their annual tax bill increase by $69.59.
District 24: The average homeowner will see their annual tax bill increase by $39.88.
District 30: The average homeowner will see their annual tax bill increase by $61.39.

State aid: $16,200,000
Change: None. The district is losing $1 million in state aid, but replacing it with $1 million in unspent federal jobs money.

About the budget: The automotive repair and construction programs would no longer be offered in the district. Students would still be able to enroll in these programs through Nassau BOCES. One-and-a-half teaching positions, a part-time social worker, part-time psychologist, four teaching assistants and four monitors are being eliminated.

No. 2: Spend $1 million from the Capital Reserve fund for various construction projects at all buildings.
No. 3: Establish a new Capital Reserve Fund for $7 million for the next 10 years for various capital improvements, using extra money from the existing Capital Reserve Fund and transfers from surplus funds.

Contingency: The budget increase is already below the contingency level. However, the district would have to cut about $191,000 in equipment purchases and capital projects not allowed under state law during a contingency budget.

District 13

Proposed budget: $42,538,261
Change: +$1,196,581 (+2.89 percent)

Tax levy: $30,909,586
Change: +$749,406 (+2.48 percent)

Tax impact: Residents will see a 2.49 percent increase in their tax bill. The average homeowner will pay an additional $79.21 in elementary school taxes next year.

State aid: $8,947,175
Decrease: $477,825

About the budget: Programs are being maintained in District 13. The following positions are being eliminated due to enrollment changes and service needs: three classroom teachers, one gifted and talented teacher, one full-time and one part-time speech teacher, a part-time special education teacher, a part-time psychologist, a part-time ESL teacher and four noon hour aides.

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