Making a Difference

Valley Stream youth group brings teens together


The Valley Stream Youth Council is a community-service oriented group open to teens in grades 7-12. Annual activities include a clean-up of Hendrickson Park, fundraising car wash and toy drive.

Youth Council members also go to Harvest House twice a year helping to clean up the property, put in and take out air conditioning units, set up patio furniture and clean windows. Harvest House is a home for the well elderly in Floral Park.

Youth Board President Ken Heino said the teens and seniors spend much time each visit just talking. “They trade generational stories, what it was like growing up then and now,” he said.

The Youth Council has monthly meetings at Memorial Junior High School featuring guest speakers who talk about their careers, or service activities available in the community.

“Valley Stream has a lot of great youth,” Heino said. “There’s a lot of good kids out there that want to be a part of the community they grew up in and live in. The Youth Council is that channel that allows them to do service for the community.”

Karla Moronta said she wants to make Valley Stream a better place, and enjoys the smiles she sees from people when she can make a difference. “Even if it’s a small difference,” she said, “it makes you feel good.”

To join, teenagers must live in the village or be a student in the Valley Stream Central High School District.