Fourth of July

Valley Streamers ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’ over fireworks


Fireworks lit up the sky over Firemen’s Field in Valley Stream on July 4, with more than 2,500 on hand to gaze at the pyrotechnics display.

The event was sponsored by the village and the Valley Stream Chamber of Commerce. Chamber President Debbi Gyulay said she received nothing but positive feedback on the fireworks show, which she noted was a bit different than last year. “People were impressed,” she said. “The oohs and aahs were early, and a lot.”

There were children’s games provided by the Bethlehem Assembly of God Youth Group. The church also gave out frisbees, which were flying around the field for most of the evening. The “Star-Spangled Banner” was sung by School of Singing owner Daniel Orama. Students from his Valley Stream music school also entertained the crowd along with local band Power Glide.

The Valley Stream Fire Department brought its fire safety trailer and there were numerous vendors.

By 9:20 p.m., the fireworks began, delighting a crowd which filled the bleachers, spread out on blankets on the field and hung around outside the fences.

The fireworks chairperson was Collision Concepts owner Boris Klerer, and Village Clerk Vinny Ang was the evening’s emcee. Country Lincoln Mercury West provided free transportation from the Hendrickson pool parking lot.

“It was great,” Gyulay said. “Just a really beautiful night.”