Letter to the Editor

Where was the storm surge?


To the Editor:

For the last two years, the residents of Gibson have been told by the Federal Emergency Management Agency that their scientific conclusions based upon a study focusing on the east end of Long Island, and their historical information (which they have not disclosed) clearly indicated that a hurricane making landfall on Long Island would create a “surge” of historic proportions. They told citizens that the probability of such an event justified Gibson’s classification as a high risk (AE) flood zone. Well Aug. 27 and 28 have come and gone. The anticipated hurricane named Irene arrived, and there was a surge. The only thing is that Gibson never experienced the surge.

The fact is that Gibson was left floodless from the hurricane, as it had been from an 11-inch rainstorm two weeks earlier and from a subsequent significant rainstorm. And although many neighboring communities and other sections of Valley Stream (which are not classified as high risk) were flooded, Gibson remained flood free. Unfortunately, the label and stigma wrongfully pinned on Gibson comes with a severe penalty. The residents of Gibson are plagued with a mandatory flood insurance requirement and severe costs in that regard. They also own properties that have had their marketability wrongfully and prejudicially reduced.

It is time for FEMA to stand up and admit that a mistake has been made. It should immediately rescind the flood maps of 2009 and the designation created on those maps. It should also arrange the return of all monies expended by Gibson citizen resulting from FEMA’s erroneous judgments. Additionally, all FEMA personnel connected with the wrongful punishment inflicted on Gibson residents and Gibson should be summarily dismissed and/or demoted.

It is unlikely that FEMA and the politicians, who have made promises to help Gibson and have not come through on those promises, will take the necessary remedial actions. After all, Gibson residents have long known that the actions of FEMA economically benefited FEMA and insurance interests. There may even be politicians with insurance interests that have benefited. However, everyone should take note of the injustice that has been done. Gibson residents should stand united and use their voting power to remove from office all incumbents.

Furthermore, it is time for the media, as it attempted in the past, to expose the conduct of FEMA and local officials. For those who did not see the NBC Brian Williams show entitled “The Fleecing of America,” which aired on March 16, 2010, you should go online and see it. The media helped to stop FEMA from doing in southern Los Angeles what it is doing in Gibson.  Where is Finley Peter Dunne (famous American journalist) when you need him? He is noted for many quotations, including,  “The purpose of newspapers is to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted.”

Joseph B. Margolin

Valley Stream