Cornering the Market

Brand new books at the publisher's price!


Buy the Book
334 Central Avenue
(516) 812-0950

When Ben and Janine Szenes saw the opportunity to turn a passion for books into a business, they seized it. March 2011 marked the opening of Buy the Book, their full-service bookshop that combines the personalization of a “mom and pop” shop with discounts that can often rival superstores or the Internet.

Books are all brand new, purchased from publishers. Some are overruns, which happens when a publisher prints too many. “Books don’t age terribly,” says Ben Szenes. “We have 3,700-square feet of books, in every category.” The spacious store has a 3,000-square foot main area, and a 900-square foot mezzanine.

Buy the Book carries any category of reading material one would find in a major book store — fiction, non-fiction, travel, education, food, children, teens, coffee table books and crafts — to name a few. They show great concern for the early reader, with a wide selection of books for ages four through six. Youngsters can come in and know that they, too, can afford quality chapter books, as most are no more than a couple of dollars.

“I grew up in a family of educators,” said Szenes. “’Read a book!’ was what I was told when I had free time, which ultimately taught me to love books. These days, the love of books is sorely needed. I would much prefer a child escape into a good book than turn to a video game. We want to bring back the feel of the book - that cozy feeling you get from curling up on the couch with one.” After 12 years of working in an unrelated industry, he changed careers to follow a dream.

The Szenes are currently working with the Lawrence School District on a “Gift a Book” program. Through donations, they plan to offer free books to children, in an effort to help improve reading skills.

People can bring in gently used book and sell them at Buy the Book for cash or store credit. These books will be sold elsewhere (such as online) as used books. Authors can arrange to host book parties or signings at the store. They will also take books on consignment.

Buy the Book opens Sunday through Friday at 10 a.m., and closes at 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and 6 p.m. on Friday and Sunday.