Q & A with school board trustee Walter Ejnes


West Hempstead Board of Education trustee Walter Ejnes is running unopposed for re-election to his seat.

Years on board: 3 (one term)
Years in West Hempstead: 38
Profession: President of Continuing Education Company

Q: Why do you want to be a member of the school board?
A: When I ran for the school board for the first time in 2009, the district was just beginning to face new challenges that could have had a lasting impact on our children and our community. I wanted to take an active role in helping the district meeting those challenges with a focus on improving the quality of education offered to our students. This is an ongoing process and the challenges continue to grow. I feel there is still more that I can contribute to the board, the district and the community by volunteering for an additional three years.

Q: What are some of your greatest accomplishments on the board?
A: I believe my greatest accomplishment … has been to work closely with my fellow board members to provide the district administration guidance and commitment on initiatives supporting the district’s three-year Strategic Action Plan. …Successes have included [completion of] numerous curriculum development projects ... a social-emotional learning program initiated in grades K-8, and the introduction of a Word study progra.... We have also made considerable strides in the area of educational technology. ...Finally, we have greatly improved communication with parents and residents by initiating the Connect Ed communication system and introducing a new website with a school board area aimed at making board business more accessible.

Q: What are some big issues you are hoping to tackle in your next term?

A: Continuing decreases in state aid coupled with increases in the cost of employee health and pension costs and a new Nassau County sewer tax, tax certiorari and a state-imposed tax cap all pose serious financial challenges to the district. During my next term, it will be up to the school board to make sure that we face these challenges head-on while continuing our mission to improve the quality of our schools.