West Hempstead names two valedictorians


Jason Kappel
Jason Kappel is an exceptional young man who lives by the principles of fairness, honesty and integrity. He is a passionate learner who is willing to go the extra mile to achieve success in his endeavors. As one of West Hempstead High School’s valedictorians this year, Jason has established a strong reputation for himself as a hard worker and independent young man. His motivation, uniqueness and intelligence make him a stand out among his peers.

Jason’s guidance counselor for the past four years has watched him choose the most challenging classes offered at the high school and excel in all subject areas. Jason is brilliant, according to his Advanced Placement U.S. History Teacher, Mr. Testa.

“I have never had a student like him,” Testa said. “He is mature, respectful and humble. He performs well beyond his peers.”

Mr. Ferrigno, Jason’s AP English teacher, adds that “Jason is super bright, quirky and bound for success.”

Jason has participated in various clubs including the Marching Band, Model Congress and Spanish National Honor Society. His participation in the Mathletes competition against other schools in Nassau County ensured the high school’s victory through the finals. He is a very diligent student and will work endlessly to meet the high standards that he has for himself. Jason has the academic ability, work ethic and character to compete in the most competitive academic environment. West Hempstead High School staff is confident that Jason will continue to perform at the same high level and strive for excellence in all he does.

Jonathan Feldman
Easygoing and affable, Jonathan Feldman is a charming, witty young man with tremendous intellect. As one of this year’s valedictorians, Jonathan clearly performs at the highest level, although he does so in an unassuming manner. Contrary to the cliché high achiever, Jonathan quietly, calmly challenges himself and accepts everyone with an open mind.

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