WHHS art teacher to head to national convention


The work of West Hempstead High School art teacher Evangeline Christodoulou has once again been accepted by members of the National Art Education Association as representative of the 2012 theme of its annual national convention, to be held in New York City in March. Her project, “New Perspectives in Digital Photography,” is in keeping with the theme of “Emerging Perspectives: Connecting Teaching, Learning, and Research.”

“I was lucky I got selected this year,” Christodoulou, who has been teaching in West Hempstead for five years and had already presented at the convention twice, told the Herald. “It’s pretty cool.”

The purpose of the convention is to “get together with teachers across the county to learn new practices, get new lessons, find out what’s going on in the art world, advocacy, all that kind of stuff,” according to Christodoulou, who is a married mother of two daughters. There are workshops, lectures and key note speeches, and it’s also a good networking opportunity.

Christodoulou’s visual presentation will include videos and showcase her students’ work.