Letter to the editor

Balancing viewpoints in the Herald


To the Editor:

The reader who wrote the letter “D’Amato is disappointingly partisan” (April 1-7), in which he stated that he finds Alfonse D'Amato to be disappointingly partisan, probably is unaware that the Herald had made a request for someone to write columns from a conservative point of view. D'Amato was chosen to do that, so it is not unreasonable to expect that his weekly columns will be of a partisan nature.

If that reader reads the weekly columns by Scott Brinton and Randi Kreiss, I am disappointed that he makes no mention of disappointment in their being partisan. Scott Brinton is clearly partisan, but his partisanship is toward the liberal point of view. That reader finds no disappointment with this. He also finds no disappointment with Randi Kreiss's columns.

With regard to Randi Kreiss, I will continue to be in her April Fools Day mood, as she was in her column in the April 1-7 issue, and state that she is in no way very partisan in her writings.

Hayward Siegel

East Meadow