Callahan’s hosts green breast cancer fundraiser

Community news


Pub owner Mike Callahan was a gracious host to locals who took part in the unique opportunity to raise money for breast cancer while celebrating their Irish roots.

A crowd gathered at Callahan’s Pub & Restaurant on March 16 to celebrate and collect funds for the Long Island 2 Day Breast Cancer Walk. Attendees dressed to impress with shamrock sunglasses and wore green and pink apparel from head to toe.

Along with a pint of Guinness, Callahan patrons also enjoyed great food, gambled at a chance to win raffle prizes and listened to live classic rock jams by the Bassenettes.

While St. Patrick’s Day and breast cancer are not always thought of in sync, Irish women have a one in 11 chance of developing breast cancer in their lifetime and more than 25,000 women in Ireland are living with a breast cancer diagnosis, according to the Irish Breast Cancer Campaign, Europa Donna Ireland.