Parkway PTA hosts first-annual literary event

School news


Parkway Elementary students and staff filed into Barnes & Noble in Carle Place on March 15. This first-annual literary event begins the school’s “Parents As Reading Partners” campaign.

Organized by the PTA, Stacey Schwartz said the group acquired the idea from McVey Elementary School, who hosted a similar event on March 5.

Principal Jamie Mack was among the staff in attendance and took time to read a story to a small group of students. The children sat wrapped in “How I Became a Pirate,” as Mack asked questions to peak their interest along the way.

While other teachers and librarians took turns reading additional short stories, Music Teacher Jean Vermaelen lead eight students as they graced a few onlookers with their talents. Some students played individual pieces they performed at competitions while other orchestra members performed in twos.

At least 50 students attended the event and enjoyed designing bookmarks, winning raffle prizes and participating in an organized story scavenger hunt.