Party in the Park

Residents came out in droves to Community Pride Day


The aroma of bubblegum pink cotton candy and popcorn filled the air in Speno Park last Sunday where thousands flocked for Community Pride Day. As local businesses promoted services, organizations shared free giveaways and recruited new members to get involved in hamlet organizations.

While Woodland Middle School art teacher John Healy once again featured his young artists who displayed paintings of a personal interest, newcomers Wake Up East Meadow handed out colorful bracelets and snazzy sunglasses to create drug abuse awareness.

Young kids indulged on candy and jumped around in a blow-up bouncy as parents meandered around the park and discovered new companies in the neighborhood. “[Residents] forget we have these people in East Meadow to utilize,” said Liz Fries, one of three dedicated event organizers. She added that the Council of East Meadow Community Organizations also donated a tree to the park, an annual tradition, and longtime East Meadow Kiwanis member, Art Levine, who died last year, was recognized with a plaque in his memory.

“It’s amazing how many businesses and community organizations participated,” added Legislator Norma Gonsalves. “We definitely have pride in the community.”

East Meadow Kiwanis members began planning the June 9 event in December and spent countless hours solidifying entertainment, volunteers and participants. “Liz Fries and Debbie Coates are extremely responsible for making this day a huge success,” said co-organizer Alan Beinhacker, and it was.

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