Letter to the editor

Stop incorrect labeling


While half of Randi Kreiss’s column (How to balance the budget — a modest proposal, Feb. 10-16) was tongue in cheek, tweaking the elderly’ right to life, my first reaction was to ask her to balance her concerns with life in the beginning stage too.

I don’t doubt that her observations of George Will are correct. From her account, I don’t know him or want to know him. I would question his label as conservative when it would appear he is extreme. Labeling those on right and left leaves a lot of space in between and beyond. Who defines the term and puts the tag on you?  Sometimes it’s those with an agenda.

Randi does give us the litany of major issues confronting America today, and then there is where the solutions must be discussed and negotiated. That is where our philosophies differ. She lists Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, African American social and heath issues, immigration, big government and the current administration’s social engineering bent. That’s right!

I don’t know about George Will, but I think conservatives like myself love America and want to protect our elderly, vulnerable infants and address the social issues compassionately. Unfortunately, too many skew and manipulate the positions of others for political posturing.

Bill Maron
East Meadow