The season of committing


“Coming up next, our health watch explores ten new tips to lose weight fast. But first, this commercial break.” It seems that many news and documentary shows on TV desperately need to tell you what is coming up next because there is a fear that, once the commercial comes on, you will lose interest and no longer be committed to watching the show. The remote makes it easy not to commit — after all, there has got to be something far more entertaining on the 350 channels that are now at my disposal with the flick of a thumb.

Ah yes, commitment — that is one of those old-fashioned words that has become obsolete, because now I have at my disposal all the means to keep me from boredom and routine. The TV remote has become the device that symbolizes the cherished “freedom of choice” that allows me to explore other avenues that may be more engaging than where I am right here, right now. No wonder TV producers plead with us before commercial break. “Please stay tuned –— we promise that you will not be disappointed!”

At this point, you may wonder, “What does all this have to do with the Christian celebration of Christmas?” Well, while we humans are seemingly having difficulty committing — even to a TV show — God shows us a love that is completely the opposite. He commits. Each Christmas, God says, “I’m in the game. Once again, I commit myself to your world, to your life, to share your journey to be intimately engaged in your struggles, your hardships, your challenges. I refuse to move my attention elsewhere. You are everything to me.”

Both Jews and Christians share a word that describes this activity of God. We call it “covenant.” For both Jews and Christians, this God keeps renewing his covenant with us. “Count me in. I am never going to leave you.”

For Christians, this covenant took the shape of a human being. For God does not love us from some infinite distance, but loves us intimately, in Jesus, embracing our human drama, our human journey, and yes, even our human infidelity. For me, Christmas is the day when God once again “signs on” to the human drama of my life. Christmas gives God the opportunity once again to tell us that He is committed to us. In short, he is not about to change the channel.

May you experience this loving God who never tires to be engaged in the drama of your life, now, and throughout the new year.