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Where to turn to help a friend in need

Locals spread message with hope of saving lives


“I just don't want this to happen to anyone else,” a dad said. “Even if I can help just one person.”
Those are the words of a local resident, a man who lost his daughter to suicide more than two years ago.
Being that there is a suicide prevention event on April 25, some of the victim's family members and friends approached the Herald about doing a story to spread awareness and their message. Names of the victim and her friends and family have been changed to maintain privacy for everyone involved.
Suicides have grown as a national topic of conversation, as more and more communities are dealing with tragic losses of children and teenagers who decided to take their own lives after suffering from relentless bullying from peers.
Like many dealing with suicide deaths, Gary, the local dad in mourning, searched for answers. He’s spoken to counselors, psychologists and some of the victim’s friends to uncover clues.
Now Gary wants people to know that heartbreaking conclusions like these can be prevented, and there are people and places to turn to.
One resource he contacted is the Long Island Crisis Center, based in Bellmore.
The Crisis Center offers a 24-hour, seven-day-a-week anonymous hotline for adults and kids who need to someone to talk to. Nearly 200 highly trained counselors on staff are there to help, and deal with all kinds of situations including suicide prevention and runaway youths. But the Crisis Center serves not only the sufferer of depression, abuse or suicidal thoughts; it also provides third-party support to friends and family members of that person.
As for Gary's daughter, Faith, some friends felt conflicted on whether or not to step in and be involved. Faith's depression was evident, as her once bubbly and charming personality transformed quickly into one of lethargy and sadness.
Though they occasionally inquired about her health, Faith’s friends did not want to step on the toes of immediate family, and possibly create more pain for her children.

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