Breaking up the work week’s monotony

Wednesday night golf creates fun and good stories


The Wednesday night league may not be the only golf tournament at the Inwood Country Club, but many golfers will argue that it’s the most exciting.
Founded by Jerold Weinstein in 2013, the league aims to make the game of golf as exciting and competitive as possible, using hilarious team names, competing under different weekly formats, while playing on the 18-hole Professional Golfers Association-style course at the club on Peppe Drive for a dozen Wednesday between June and August.
“The Wednesday league encompasses 14 teams,” Weinstein said. “We play a lot of different kinds of golf, all different kinds of formats every week.
“One week it can be you’re only allowed to use four types of clubs, the next week it could be where both of the partner’s scores count,” he added.
The weekly competition also features wacky team names, including “The Deflategates,” Three knishes and a cannoli,” “Foreskin,” “The Big Swinging Sticks” and “The gang that can’t hit straight.”

“It’s one of the greatest nights we have,” said Vinny Loprinzi, who is on the club’s board.
A point-system is implemented, and along with that system comes the opportunity for golfers to make some cash.
“There was a tournament we played where the format was we played the red tees, the ladies tees,” Weinstein said. “‘Three knishes and a cannoli’ accidentally played the white tee thinking it was the red tee. Afterword, when we went over the scoring, and their score was the lowest, they started celebrating as if they won while all of the sudden someone said no …, you didn’t win. He saw they played on the wrong tee and they got disqualified.”
“I know I’ve made some bad mistakes,” said golfer Teddy Steingut. “In one of the formats, the higher of the two players’ scores count rather than the lowest. I messed up colossally and ruined our chances of winning that weeks tournament by being unable to get out of a sand trap.”
Wednesday is a convenient night for the golfers to play, they said and all agreed it is a good way of breaking up the monotony of a work week. “The Wednesday night golf league at the Inwood Country Club adds to the camaraderie, the fellowship, the good times and the stories,” Steingut said.