Village candidates run unchallenged

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Atlantic Beach
Sitting board members Danae A. Muddiman and Andrew J. Rubin are the candidates. Muddiman has served since January 2011, when she replaced Peter Blum. It would be her second full term. Rubin is a longtime trustee. Muddiman said she is running again because, “I love where I live and I want to serve and be involved.”
Ensuring preservation of the village’s beaches, repairing roads and getting construction begun on the tennis center are her priorities, she said. The newly planned music festivals, a movie night, a kids sleepover and the July 22 dinner at the Ocean Club to honor former mayor Stephen Mahler are activities to look forward to in this summer-oriented community. “We look to get the beach ends landscaped and we hope to continue to move forward at a quicker pace as money allows,” she said.
Ballots can be cast from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Village Hall at 65 The Plaza in Atlantic Beach.

Mayor Lee Israel, Gary Goffner and Jacob Harman are seeking another tem. Israel became the village’s first new mayor two years ago after defeating Ed Mukamel, when Susan Schlaff stepped down.
Israel, who served as a trustee before winning the top spot, said the village’s mission is to “create a sense of pride and tangible value associated with living in the community. “I believe we have made extremely positive headway in strengthening the overall operation and quality of life within the village,” he said.
After having established what Israel called “a solid safety and security plan” the next item on his radar is the village’s roads. Planning for when the roads need paving in a few years is being done now, he said. “We are doing whatever is necessary to extend the lifespan of our roadways, but inevitably this work will be required,” said Israel, who could have an extra vote this year. His son, Jackson, gets to vote for the first time.

Hewlett Harbor
Trustee Len Oppenheimer, who serves as the deputy mayor, and first-time board candidate Jonathan Polakoff, are running. Trustee Michael Yochai is stepping down.
Oppenheimer has four terms under his belt. Polakoff currently serves as the village’s fire commissioner. “What I bring to the table is practicality and common sense in getting things done in a reasonable way,” he said.
He said he is looking toward applying the New York State Community Reconstruction Program money to mitigate flooding in the village and keeping up on all the rebuilding being done to maintain Hewlett Harbor’s aesthetic.
Polakoff, who joined forces with Oppenheimer to create a village-oriented Facebook page, said through his position as fire commissioner and attending every board meeting the past few years he “understands the challenges before the community right now.” “Along with the mayor and the board, overseeing the Community Reconstruction Program, our goal is to alleviate the flooding after every storm,” said Polakoff, who also looks to maintain a good relationship with the Hewlett Bay Fire Department.
Voting is from noon to 9 p.m. at Village Hall at 449 Pepperidge Road.

Hewlett Bay Park
Trustees Alex Salomon and Jay Levy are running unopposed.

Hewlett Neck

Sitting Trustees Dr. Michael Levine and Brett Cooper, and Aron Schnell — appointed for one after Bert Kalisher stepped down — are running. Schnell is up for the second year of the term.
Voting for Hewlett Bay Park, Hewlett Neck and Woodsburgh is from noon to 9 p.m. at Village Hall at 30 Piermont Ave. in Hewlett.

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