A relentless second


The 11-under girls Blue Thunder team of the Hewlett-Lawrence Soccer Club placed second and tied for the best record in its division with a 3-0-1 mark after competing in the 17th Annual Bob Schrager Memorial Long Island Cup.

A relentless offensive attack and solid defense were the core strengths of a squad managed by head coach Ken Stolls and co-coaches Scott Schrager and Ron Green that looks to build on this success in the upcoming U-11 season.

From left in the rear: Jolie Green, Madison Stolls (ball girl), coach Ken Stolls and Karlie Stolls. From left in front: Hasseena Lamousnery, Alana Schrager, Orly Stein, Eva Rosenblatt, Ashley Carl, Michelle Ramirez, Daniella Abekassis, Sara Espina, Kayla Notarnicola and Jessica
