A.B. village trustee steps down


Due to family and career obligations, Village of Atlantic Beach trustee Peter Blum resigned from the position, effective Jan. 1. Plum made his resignation public in an email dated Jan. 24, that was forwarded to the Herald.

A captain in the New York City Fire Department assigned to Ladder 132 in the Crown Heights, Bedford Stuyvesant and Prospect Height sections of Brooklyn, Blum told the Herald his reasons for stepping down were due to his mother having undergone two brain surgeries coupled with his firefighting responsibilities.

Blum, who was on the board for nearly four years did say he enjoyed his time as a trustee and serving on the coastal erosion and beautification committees, along with being a board member for building review.

“It was very informative, a great experience,” Blum said. “My years spent as trustee were rewarding as well as eye opening,” he wrote in the email. “There is so much that goes on behind the scenes, and so many good people that dedicate their time and talent for the good of the village that I was fortunate that I had the privilege to serve.”

Village Mayor Stephen Mahler said that Blum was his “own man” but at the same time was a team player, is very intelligent and was a “good all around trustee.”

“He was a valuable member and real community activist,” Mahler said. “A very involved guy who was in the forefront of the issues and had an original perspective.”

Danae A. Muddiman will complete Blum’s 2-year term, which expires in June.